We've partnered with schools in the U.S. to deliver high quality mental healthcare through MARCo to students. Find out if your school offers MARCo to get immediate access to MARConline and more.
Find out if your school offers MARCo here:
Your School Offers MARCo!
Yes, SCHOOL_NAME does offer MARCo to its students. To start using MARConline, go to CUSTOM_URL, or to request a physical MARCo, ACTION.
Need some time to think? Take a $200 discount with you!
Ready for a mental health upgrade? Subscribe now, snag your $200 DISCOUNT, and a shot at WINNING A FREE MARCo – your perfect mental health companion! 🎉
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Reserve your marco today!
Just a $49.99 reservation fee; refundable at any time
Due to a global microchip shortage, this reservation fee will ensure that we can get the parts to make your MARCo without you waiting an extra 6-12 months!